In this episode of The Woof Life Show the podcast for dog lovers, Lauren Farricker chats with Henry Friedman. Henry is a part of Team Dogist and has one of the most incredible adoption stories that we’ve heard in a long time. For Henry a chance encounter mixed with fate allowed him to adopt an incredibly special pup who was born in a bush in Puerto Rico. This puppy along with his mother and siblings were rescued by The Sato Project and he was transported to the US. Henry found in Finn a partner in crime and a companion for adventure. They’ve traveled all over the US and Canada exploring, meeting people and helping rescue pups. Henry has a huge passion after his life was so changed by a rescue dog and has created a Patreon giving back each month to rescues that you’ve never heard of. We love what this dynamic duo is doing and we want to support their cause!
You can support their rescue efforts for their Finn to the Rescue Project on their Patreon here
You can follow Finn and Henry's adventures on social media on Instagram @keepingfinn
And on Facebook